Hi all,
It's October! Hey October, be nice to everybody.. And hopefully, we will get more bliss, joy, success, and everything we desire.
As promised, I want to share some useful information and knowledge regarding the benefits of drinking green tea.
I believe we all know what is green tea as nowadays people always talking about the benefits. Well, green tea, you're famous! Okay, let's scroll down why green tea so famous!
Cancer: Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. Awesome! Well, green tea contains a potent nutrient known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which have been researched that EGCG helpful to suppress lung cancer cell growth. Also, reducing the risk of Esophageal, Colorectal, and prostate Cancer. Plus, it helps slow breast cancer growth!
Heart Disease: How it works that way?? Well, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, which then keep them relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. Also, it lowers the level of cholesterol, which prevents the occurrence of both heart disease and stroke. After all, even after the heart attack it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.
Anti-aging: Green tea contains antioxidant, which is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 24 times better than vitamin E! It fights against free radicals. Means that, free radicals react with healthy cells in the body, which then may help reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging. So, it promotes longevity! Indeed, green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu, which it contains vitamin C that can treat the flu and the common cold.
Weight Loss: Want to lose weight? Well, drink green tea as it increases the metabolism. The antioxidant contains in green tea which known as polyphenol works to boost levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories. It helps you burn fat up to 70 calories in just one day! Means that, 7 pounds in one year. Interesting!
Skin: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities protect the skin. It have been studied that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage, which helps fight against skin cancer. Anyway, drinking green tea also helps with wrinkling and skin aging.
Bones: Believe it or not, green tea helps keep your bones strong. The reason is because green tea contains high fluoride and if you drink green tea every day, it helps you preserve your bone density.
Cholesterol: Green tea can lower your cholesterol level and improves the ratio of good cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol level.
Obesity: Don't get obese and drink green tea. Well, it works by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. Remember previous post regarding bloating? It's entitled "Beat Bloating". Anyway, green tea not just prevent bloating but it burns the belly fat. Awesome!
Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store glucose (a form of sugar). But, green tea apparently able to help the situations by regulating the glucose levels and slowing the rise of blood sugar.
Alzheimers: Boost your memory by drinking green tea today! After all, green tea can slow down deterioration caused by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Depression: Feel depressed lately? Don't be, it affect your health, literally. By drinking green tea or perhaps other teas, it is thought to provide a relaxing effect to your body and relieve anxiety. There is Theanine (amino acid) naturally found in tea leaves, which gives a great benefit to tea drinkers.
Food Poisoning: I believe you ever had food poisoning. Well, green tea, it can kills bacteria, which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.
Immunity: Basically, green tea contains Polyphenols and flavonoids, which it really helps in boosting your immune system and thus making your health stronger in fighting against infections.
Asthma: Green tea also give a great benefits to asthma sufferer. Theophyline in green tea able to relaxes the muscles, which then support the bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.
Ear Infection: Known that green tea also helps with ear infection! For natural ear cleaning, soak a cotton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.
Hmmm.. I believe green tea can solve pimples problem as well. You got pimples? Me too.. Well, try wash your face with green tea and you can mix it with your facial cleanser while you wash your face. Not sure if it really working but why not just try and see the result after that.
Tooth Decay: Green tea also contains antioxidant known as catechin, which it can destroy the bacteria and viruses that causes throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions. After all, it able to get rid of bad breath.
Allergies: EGCG in green tea able to relieve allergies. Interesting! So guys, drink green tea.
HIV: According to scientists in Japan, EGCG in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune system cells. Means that, green tea can stop the HIV virus from spreading!
Huhh, green tea sure have a lot of benefits. Apart from the listed here, I believe there are more benefits of green tea. I used to drink green tea every morning now since I know it gives great benefits to our body. Besides, it's cheap and easy to get. So, save your budget, drink green tea and stay healthy.
Remember, stay healthy and good luck! :)
Resources: ThirdAge.com, lifehack, care2 make a difference, joslin.org, YouTube.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Beat Bloating
Hi everyone! J
How's your day? I wish you have a very good day out there.
Bloating? Have you ever experience bloating? I believe and sure it happened to you. As it is for me, I always have it and seriously it makes me uncomfortable and in pain! Anyway, let's scroll what exactly is bloating and how to reduce bloating. Come scroll down...
So, what is bloating? Bloating is any abnormal general swelling in the abdominal area. You will feel your abdomen tight and full, which then lead to the abdominal pain.
But, don't worry, there are plenty of ways to reduce it and let's scroll down and explore some of it!
Again, but.. Do you know what causes bloating? Well, here are top causes of bloating.
Pergghhh! It looks delicious! >.<
How's your day? I wish you have a very good day out there.
Bloating? Have you ever experience bloating? I believe and sure it happened to you. As it is for me, I always have it and seriously it makes me uncomfortable and in pain! Anyway, let's scroll what exactly is bloating and how to reduce bloating. Come scroll down...
So, what is bloating? Bloating is any abnormal general swelling in the abdominal area. You will feel your abdomen tight and full, which then lead to the abdominal pain.
But, don't worry, there are plenty of ways to reduce it and let's scroll down and explore some of it!
Again, but.. Do you know what causes bloating? Well, here are top causes of bloating.
- Overeating
- Eat too fast
- Bad diet
- Carbonated beverages
- Eating rich and fatty food
- Whole grains
- Fruits & vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots.
- Dairy products
- Sodium
So, let's beat bloating now! J

- Smaller portions should ease the pain. Use a small plate instead of the big one can trick your brain, which your brain think you already eating a plate full of food.
- Try to eat slowly. Basically, satiety signals can take up to 20 minutes to reach the brain and dampen appetite. After all, it can prevent overeating.

- Avoid carbonated beverages as it can cause gas to get trapped in your belly. Instead, drink green tea and water more often. At least, 8 glasses of water per day. After all, drink water gives plenty of benefits to your body such as it streams more oxygen to your brain. As for green tea, a lot of people talking about its benefits. Benefits of green tea? Will be on next post. Stay tuned... J

Pergghhh! It looks delicious! >.<
- Fruits & vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots actually can cause that gassy feeling. But, That doesn't mean you should give up on these super-nutritious, high-fiber vegetables. Adjust the amount taken until your body accept the appropriate compounds.

- Sodium appears in processed foods such as canned and frozen foods. Usually, highly processed foods tend to be high in sodium and low in fiber, which both can cause bloating. Make it a habit reading food labels. Shoot for no more than 500 mg of sodium per serving in any product - or a total of 1,500 to 2,300 mg of sodium per day. Look for labels that say sodium free, low sodium, or very low sodium.

- Drink peppermint tea as it can relaxes your muscles. After all, it is one of the anti-bloating drinks. Eat ginger, pineapple and parsley because they also the anti-bloating foods.

- Try lemon water. If you love to have it with sweet taste. Avoid refined sugar, instead try honey or agave nectar, which has the natural sweet taste. After all, honey good for your skin and brain!

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Sayonara Bloating! J |
Good luck & All the best everybody. Have a nice day..
Resources: webMD, wikipedia, YouTube, GoogleSearch.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Improve Your Relationship With Your Spouse
Hi all,
This time I would like to share about marriage knowledge. For me, it's feel great sharing this kind of knowledge and it's fun :)
Well, what do you know about marriage? As it is for me, it's my new life sharing everything with someone I love until I die no matter what happen. It's the gathering of two souls that truly love each other, and that nothing but God can separate. Sweet isn't it? ^_^
Whether you are newly weds, a couple with children, or an empty nest couple, try read this steps on how to improve your relationship with your spouse or specifically your husband.
Think About It
Think and identify your feeling and love towards your husband. Is it true love? Do you still think a lot of your significant other? Can you say you truly love him? Would you accept giving away your life to save his? And do you love him, even with all of his flaws? If you honestly say yes to these questions, then proceed reading the next step. But if you say no to most of these questions, sorry to say you not in love with him and you such a disappoint spouse of him. hmmmm.. okay next step!
Take Care Of Your Looks
Is it so important? Put on some make up? Well, some ladies not really into make up stuff. And for that, try this 5 minutes make up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shpZ47Mvxfg. It's easy and fresh. Basically, it's not all about make up, apart from that, make sure your hair is always clean and you yourself look neat. Honestly, even though your significant other must love you even if you are least attractive person in the world, but he sure will be happy if he sees you are caring about yourself.
Talk Like A Friend
Conversation with your spouse is important. When you talk like a friend with your husband, there is no such things talking about house, domestic things, like bills and the children and money. God, even for me it's stressful. Talk like a friend here means you going to talk to your husband about things you'd talk with your best friend. Well, not about women and soccer, or about food or soap opera, but talk about your dreams, things that truly matters.
Say I Love You and Show Love
I love you.. easy to say, right? So say it, never let these words unsaid to your spouse. But, say it honestly and with all your heart. Say it when you guys wake up, or just send a message if you guys in your workplace respectively. Make sure to say that he is the most handsome and attractive person in the whole universe, and how lucky you feel for being with him. Make sure to tell them you love even their flaws. Say it everyday. After all, isn't it true for you? So the other person needs to know.
Make Love
Make love often, if not, at least 3 times a week. Having an active sexual life with your loved one is extremely important, which it will make you guys always feel intimate with each other and pleased with good humor. Don't put your sex life on the low end of your priority list. Do have sex. After all, sex, with love, is the best thing ever.
If There's a Problem, Solve It
If your spouse does something wrong, don't yelling and screaming at him. Sit and talk, communication is a key. After all, he is not only your lover forever, but also your best friend forever.
And, pray together. If you''re comfortable talking about it, discuss what you pray about.
Never Say Bad Things About Your Husband In Front Of Children
Avoid say bad things when talking to your husband especially in front of your children, which it will make children have a negative image about relationships, and you will feel guilty later. Make sure you always say good things. For instance, if your husband forgot something important, don't say "so stupid"or "doesn't care about anyone else but him", think before you say anything when you feel angry, and instead of saying such bad words, try say "I really do love this man, but he should be a little more attentive about things."
So finally, here are the rest of ways on improving your relationship with your spouse: Speak your truth in a respectful way, share your feelings often, lower your expectations, create goals together, support each other's individual goals, say please and thank you no matter how big or small the act, respect each other, and many more...
Good Luck & All the best.. :)
Resources: wikihow, simplemarriage, yourtango, about.com
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Let's Get Enjoy Working With Your Colleagues
Hi everybody,
Topic for today is as you can see above. Well, working in an unhealthy environment seems a big burden to all. Everybody desire a good and enjoyable working environment. A good and nice colleagues to get along with. But, not all manage to get what they desired. In fact, it's really frustrated when you already tried plenty of methods to make your relationship much better with people around you or specifically your colleagues, but it seems not working at all.
And final frustrated is when you need to resign immediately because you don't have any choices left and make yourself become unable to pay your debt and any other expenses. God, such a frustration and miserable for you when your colleagues ruin your life like that! Indeed, if you've given a chance to kill them with elephant gun, I'm sure you will shoot the person that ruin your life right? hahaha..
But, hey check this out. Read and check it for you to identify your behavior towards your colleagues. If you found that you are a bad one, please please please, change yourself and make other people life or specifically your colleagues life comfortable working in the company as well as with you. Don't be so arrogant even though you have been worked for the company much longer than the others. Be nice to everybody and remember all you have now it's all temporary.
So, here are the list of effective verbal communications with your colleagues :
- Clarity
- Summarize
- Observe Responses
Observe response to your message. What people are thinking is not always expressed verbally. Read people's thoughts by watching their facial expressions, hand and foot gestures. Look at their eyes for signs of confusion, disagreement, disbelief, resistance or understanding.
Look for subtle hints from the colleague, look for what are they not saying, observe how well are they paying attention when you speak. Modify your responses accordingly and attempt to build a good understanding of the issues.
- Use of Voice
To keep people's attention, modulate your voice. Speaking more loudly or softly, more quickly or slowly increases interest in what you say. Pause before and after a key point to allow it to fully register. If there is a background noise, speak loudly or move to a quieter area. Reinforce verbal communication, especially in noisy areas, with gestures. Help the colleague feel comfortable speaking to you, avoid criticizing what they are saying, even in your own mind. Stay calm and attempt to diffuse any full scale arguments before they start.
- Eye Contact
Maintain eye contact with those to whom you are talking. Bear in mind their cultural background. In some cultures, excessive eye contact is a sign of disrespect. If you avoid eye contact, people will get impression you don't want to communicate with them.
- Emphasize Important Points
To communicate an important point, raise your voice slightly or speak deliberately. Let your body language reflect the importance of what you are saying by leaning forward, opening your eyes wider, and using appropriate hand gestures. Pay attention and avoid interruptions. Don't hold two conversations at the same time. Do some jokes to obtain more interest and use meaningful analogies or stories to emphasize main points. And don't forget to ask a question.
- Positivity
Begin conversations positively. If there is potential for conflict, start off with something on which you both agree to set a positive atmosphere. Think positive because your positive mind will lead you to a positive behavior and makes people around you comfortable.
- Choose your words
Avoid harsh and impolite words when you talk to your colleagues. It doesn't matter if you are in a bad mood or stress, avoid throwing your bad mood to other people because it will makes things getting worst. Don't make your mood as a reason for you to spill out the impolite words to others. Not all people tend to accept the way you talk especially when you are working with more than one races because different races surely have different culture and the way they speak. So, be polite to anyone.
- Avoid saying Negative things
Do not say negative things about your colleagues especially when they're not around. That reflect you as a gossip and someone who can't be trusted. You may think you're being entertaining closeness, but you meet the same people on the way up as the way down.
"A high-morale work environment will always produce more than a low-morale work environment." When people care about the people they work with, things get done faster. "People will go the extra mile; they will take ownership of a job, a decision or problem and work through it without feeling like they have to go up the chain to get things done." ( Skip Weisman )
So guys, Good luck & all the best..
Resources: Creative Education, Forbes
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Check this out and Good Luck on winning an interview guys! Grasp the opportunity now & you can change your life ^_^
Reference : Career & Counseling Center, Students Affair & Alumni Division, Universiti Teknologi MARA
- Do your homework to find out as much information as you can about the company.
- Proper Appearance (Girls, put on some make up on your face okay ).
- Timing is important.
- Overcoming Nervousness :-
> Exercise positive thinking
> Think of what you will say and questions you will be asked
- What to Bring Along
- First Impressions Count
> Appearance
> Grooming
> Handshake
> Personality
> Personal Presence
> Eye Contact
3. Interview Strategies
> Focus and remain calm
> Listen carefully
> In control
> Relax and confidence
> Give direct and honest answers
> Respond promptly and thoroughly to the questions
> Don't be afraid to ask for clarification
> Avoid writing notes
> Be aware of your body language
4. Observed Your Nonverbal
> Many interviews fail because of lack of proper communication
> Communication is more than just what you say
Eye contact ( listening / speaking )
- Lack of Interest
- Short Attention span
- Lack of confidence
- Send the subtle message that you are lying
Facial Expression
- Confused
- Lost
- Fear
- Sends out a signal of you are not confidence enough
- Lack of power potential
- Walk tall, stand tall and sit tall
Gesture ( Should be very limited during the interview )
- Reflect you are not sincere
- Belittle the issue
- Not Knowledgeable
Space ( reorganize the boundaries of your personal space and that of others )
- Irritate the Interviewer
"What you say is not nearly as important as how you say"
- Credential Questions
- Experience Questions
- Opinion Questions
- Dumb Questions
- Behavioral Questions
5. At the Close of the Interview
- Let the interviewer initiate the closure.
- Do not ask question about salary and benefits until offered the job. If employer asks about salary, answer it in term of a salary range.
- Thank the interviews for his / her time.
- Express interest by asking how long it may be before you are notified.
Within 1 - 2 days of the interview, follow-up with a letter thanking for their time and restate your qualification and interest
- Allow the employer a week or two to contact you.
- Follow up with a phone call after you haven't heard from them after this time.
- Briefly recap the history of your application, indicating dates interview / position.
- Continue actively jobs hunt, DON'T GIVE UP.
- Stay positive and motivated.
Rejection is inevitable. It will happen to you as it happens to all other job hunters.
Prepare for it and don't take it personally.
Thank your contact for considering you for the position and request that she keep you in mind for future openings.
Ask for suggestions to help you improve your chances of getting a job. Ask for names of people who might be looking for someone with your qualification.
Reference : Career & Counseling Center, Students Affair & Alumni Division, Universiti Teknologi MARA
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